Somatic Spellwork Sessions

Now is not the time to be fumbling around in the dark looking for your magic.

Trauma repair work is slow work by necessity, because that is the pace of the nervous system. There's really no way around that. 


What there is a way around, though, is fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out what to even work on, and what resources or modalities would be best suited to the process.


I created Somatic Spellwork Sessions because I know that your resources are limited. I know that you are already strapped for time, and probably cash, too. 


I want to help you get crystal clear about what needs repair, and how that repair can be done, and while I would looooove nothing more than to spend leisurely weeks and months of coaching with you to engage in the discovery process, I also know that the quicker you figure out what's going on and how to deal with it, the faster you can be out there repairing and rebuilding with your community, with your more-than-human kin, who absolutely fucking need your magic at this time.


I'm not talking about quick fixes here–that is so not my vibe. What I am talking about is being a responsible steward of the resources that have been entrusted to you. 


With magic, we can bend time, and there is no need to prolong the pain of not making sense to yourself.


I want you to help you spend less time being pulled in two different directions by the parts of you that want to grow and expand and the parts of you that are stuck in survival mode, and more time looking for the secret third thing that can bridge that gap and bring all the parts of you home, where they belong.


Somatic Spellwork Sessions are like a psychic reading for your nervous system where you yap about what hurts, what feels stuck, and what doesn't make any sense, then I arrange the pieces to reveal a coherent story, and then together we come up with a custom somatic spell for you to rewrite the story of your nervous system.


When you book a Somatic Spellwork Session, you can expect me to:


  • Offer witness & validation for where you are. (Yes, it hurts this much, and no, there is nothing wrong with you.)

  • Arrange the pieces to get a clear understanding of what's stuck in the system, and why. (We might very well pull some tarot cards here for clarity & insight.)

  • Find the root cause of the rupture, and the story that keeps you in survival mode.

  • Determine what resources & elements can help facilitate a change in the system.

  • Create an accessible custom somatic spellwork practice that addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms.

  • Troubleshoot potential issues with implementation of said practice.


While sessions usually follow a predictable rhythm, I always adapt the flow to serve the needs you show up with that day. 


And while I can't promise you that we'll get to all of the points above in every single session, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll leave feeling seen, making more sense to yourself, and knowing where to look for the next pieces of the trauma repair puzzle.

Also–and really this is no small thing–because this work is truly so much fun for me, it will probably be a good time for you also. (Also I swear a lot but if you've read this far you already know that!) Trauma itself is gruesome enough, there's no reason we can't have laughter and joy in the repair process.


Now is the time of witches & weirdos. Now is the time for magic.

Let's rewrite the story of your nervous system together.

Who I work with

The people I work with tend to share many points of similarity. We’re probably a good fit if you identify with 2-3 or more of the following:

  • You hold one or more marginalized identity(ies): People of the global majority; queer & trans people; neurodivergent people; disabled/chronically ill people; fat people; people who have historically been fucked over by the dominant cishetero white supremacist patriarchal capitalist system.

  • You are neurodivergent. (Pretty much all of my clients have C-PTSD. Most of my clients of late are either late-diagnosed/identified as Autistic/AuDHD or ADHD, or are in the process of exploring where they might fit under the neurodivergent umbrella.)

  • You long to feel as safe and comfortable in you body as you do in nature.

  • You deeply value (and work hard towards) having reciprocal, attuned, and secure relationships, but you often struggle to feel seen and have your attachment needs met in relationships. (I often work with people in nonmonogamous relationships, and have been polyamorous myself for over 10 years.)

  • You either are creative, want to be creative, or used to be creative—in any case, you’re not living out your creative dreams, and you probably feel some shame & stuckness around that, and that prevents you from approaching your art with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

  • You are a seeker of meaning and truth, and you’ve been doing therapy and assorted other healing work basically forever. (Many of my clients are healers, space holders, or service providers themselves.)

  • You are deeply spiritual. You fuck with tarot (obvs), astrology, and other witchy shit.

  • You are politically engaged, and fighting both systemic and internalized oppression. You are fucking terrified and burnt out, and yet you haven’t given up hope on collective liberation and possible futures.

  • You vibe with a loud-mouthed, Autistic, Gen X stoner witch who loves recognizing patterns, sorting objects in rainbow order, wearing headphones indoors, watching horror movies, and listening to, like, a lot a lot of Taylor Swift.

It might be an especially good time to book a session if you:

  • Are at a crossroads, threshold, or undergoing a transition.

  • Are working with an old, intractable attachment pattern that you can’t seem to shake.

  • Are ready to take a big creative or relational risk.

What It Costs

$150 for 75 minutes.

I am happy to offer a solidarity rate of $75 to anyone who needs it. Use discount code SOLID75 when booking your session to access the lower rate.

If you have the means to pay my full rate, please consider doing so, as I am also disabled & Autistic myself.

Schedule your session.


Schedule your session. *


  • I do not offer refunds once a session is purchased. Please consider your needs & resources before purchasing.

    • Yes! You can reschedule your appointment yourself up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. Instructions to do so are included in your confirmation email from Acuity.

      If you need to reschedule less than 24 hours ahead of time, please email me at

  • Shit happens, and life under capitalism is harsh and unpredictable for divergent bodies. I want to do what I can to not penalize anyone for unforeseen circumstances while still honoring my own body, time, and needs. I can accommodate up to 10 minutes of lateness, after which the appointment will need to be rescheduled. I understand that sometimes life happens, and if you cannot make your appointment for whatever reason, please contact me as soon as you can at and we will make different arrangements. If I do not hear from you, the appointment and the payment will be forfeited.

  • If you want to record our reading, please let me know at the start and I will make you co-host of the Zoom meeting, which will enable you to record the session on your local computer.

  • Yes! You can book appointments as often as you wish: monthly, quarterly, whatever your heart desires.

  • If you’re interested in my 3-month Soft Animal Magic creative coaching container (sales page to come), click here to book a free feeler call.

  • We don’t need to do a tarot reading! If you prefer a coaching session, just let me know!

Nice to meet you!

I’m fenn.

I’m a loud-mouthed, Autistic, Gen X stoner witch, and one of the ways I feel most alive is when I’m elbow-deep in the messy guts of someone’s story, and through offering witness, curiosity, and reflection, and by connecting dots and identifying patterns, I help them make sense of their lived experience, and help them access the resources that will make it possible for them to change the story of their nervous system.

I’ve been helping people change their state and their story since 2007 as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, trauma repair & embodiment coach, tarot reader, writer, mentor, collaborator, and witch.

“Mankind was not meant to suffer – bliss is our nature. The individual is cosmic. Let’s rock.”

— David Lynch